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May 28, 2022
Topic: VerseU

VerseU Game Development Preview

You can see some of the models of characters we've revealed, such as Ingram and Melody. As well as movement and character actions.

Happy weekend @everyone!

We managed to get our hands on some early footage of the Verse U development. Verse U is a fighting game being developed by Lineage and Bosslogic. It is based off the frequency IP which is also being created by Boss and Linage!

In this video you can see the internal milestone markers at the start of the footage. Systems and items Lineage are implementing/implemented. Basically it’s items that need to be added, fixed or removed entirely. You can see some of the models of characters we’ve revealed, such as Ingram and Melody.

Obviously far off their final form, but gives you an idea on the development side of things. Finally you get to see the models in motion minus the hit detection, hit boxes, collision, special moves, etc Also note the video is sped up.

Thanks for watching and reading this far. Look out for more videos soon! Song is: Born Again by Beast in Black.

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